Female (Pwo) mask
Female (Pwo) mask. Chokwe peoples (Democratic Republic of the Congo). Late 19th to early 20th century C.E. Wood, ber, pigment, and metal.
- Chokwe people, Democratic Republic of Congo
- Meant for dancing; resembles woman, worn by men
- Made by man; meant to honor women; particularly those young, fertile, or successful in childbirth; mothers; important stage in life
- Matrilineal culture; wood; very thin; graceful, fluid dancing; whole bodysuit
- sense of calm in the face; closed eyes, mouth; respected; doesn't need to open eyes, she's already knowing
- deep red; earth, oil; white powder around her eyes; symmetrical face; wide forehead accentuated by hairstyle; constant circles; pounded eyes around the eyes; tattoo patterns
- Broke away from larger culture; ideal woman; ideal virtues; fashionable hairstyle at the time; performed for women