Buk (mask)


Buk (mask). Torres Strait. Mid- to late 19th century C.E. Turtle shell, wood, fiber, feathers, and shell.

  • Torres Strait - series of islands between Australia and New Guinea; Mabuiag Island; Turtle shell mask; human face; on top face/body of a bird; feathers
  • We only find this material in the Torres Strait. Raffia resembles hair; frigate bird. 
  • Pieces stitched together; feathers, shell; textured. One part of an elaborate costume; used in costume; audience; wind would affect the hair/feathers. Meant to be dynamic, moving. 
  • Bird seen as a totem; connected to lineage; connected the culture to the supernatural; turtle shell was actively traded; many masks destroyed; outsiders collected them; created for tourism? 
  • Items had prestige.